Jon Charbonneau - DBA | Uncommon Core 2.0 | Twitter

**Do Rollups Inherit Security?** (10.17.23)

**Endgame: Proof of Governance** (8.7.23)

**The Rollup Multiverse** (5.30.23)

**Rollups Are L1s (& L2s) a.k.a. How Rollups Actually Actually Actually Work** (5.26.23)

**How To Do Lower-Case r research** (5.1.23)

**SUAVE, Anoma, Shared Sequencers, & Super Builders** (4.26.23)

**Rollups Aren't Real: Decentralizing, Shared Sequencers, X-Chain Atomicity, SUAVE, & MEV** (3.18.23)

**Encrypted Mempools: MEV & Censorship** (3.14.23)

ETH is Not Ultrasound Money (2.19.23)

**Ethereum Model** (2.5.23)

**SUAVE Economic Security Models** (1.22.23)

**MEV Manifesto** (10.6.22) - paywalled

**Censorship… wat do?** (10.1.22)

**Decentralizing the Builder Role** (9.9.22)

**The Complete Guide to Rollups** (8.5.22)

**The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Ethereum** (5.26.22)

**Valuing Layer 1s - Memes, Money, or More?** (4.26.22)